We want to love our neighbors, but we’re busy and sometimes don’t know where to start. In each episode, we’ll keep neighboring on your mind by encouraging you with simple ways to connect with those next door. Because your address is not an accident, and neither is your neighbor’s.
Because Your address
isn't an accident.
And neither is your neighbor's.
You want to make a difference around you…
At times the desire to be a part of something bigger than yourself feels more awkward than intuitive. But it’s coded into you all the same: God calls you to engage in his mission and love your neighbors (even the ones next door!) Jesus woos us to participate in his kingdom work, to see his renewal, restoration, hope, and healing come to our communities. Even if you try to ignore this missional invitation for fear of what it might cost, you can’t help but see needs around you for neighborhood peacemaking and mercy-extending.
Deep down you want to make a difference in our corners of the world because Jesus has made a difference in yours.
…But you have questions.
Is neighboring one-size-fits-all?
What if I have nothing in common with my neighbors?
Can I talk about my faith without being weird?
Do I have to talk to my neighbor every time I see them?
We all have good intentions, but we lack follow through. We need simple. We need doable. We need vision to help us not burn out. God’s at work. You’ll be right at home.